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发布人:管理员   发布时间:2023-5-20

With the increasing popularity of roadside stone molds, various mold manufacturers are also transitioning towards this new type of steel mold. Various roadside stone molds are immediately flooding all roadside stone markets, and they want to produce truly classic slope protection steel molds.


The mold produced by the roadside stone mold has the advantage of a very smooth surface, and has better development in terms of both usage fit and appearance aesthetics. This product also makes our road more eye-catching in terms of appearance performance, with better performance, and also gives road production a greater development prospect.



In traditional mold usage, demolding has always been a major issue, and the trouble of demolding greatly affects the entire production process time. However, using roadside stone molds for production can achieve rapid and effective demolding, which can shorten the production time of each mold.


In the production of various molds, there is a considerable demand for material robustness in terms of the effectiveness of the mold's use, and steel far surpasses plastic materials in this regard, making the mold more sturdy and durable, able to meet various usage scenarios, without the need for frequent product replacement, and more convenient to use.

