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发布人:管理员   发布时间:2019-11-5

选用合适尺寸的护坡钢模具可以降低成本,注塑模具没有现货的,再次生产的成本很高,选用钢模具会降低成本。The cost can be reduced by selecting the appropriate size of slope protection steel mold. There is no spot injection mold, and the cost of re production is very high. Selecting steel mold will reduce the cost.

如果护坡钢模具的设计没有注塑模具,需求量少,选用钢模具生产方便脱模,钢模具具有可拆卸性,拆卸脱模降低难度,同时也降低破损率。If there is no injection mold in the design of slope protection steel mold, the demand is small, the steel mold is selected for production to facilitate demoulding, the steel mold has the detachability, the demoulding difficulty is reduced, and the damage rate is also reduced.

钢模具由铁板制成,不容易出现损坏,增加使用寿命,可根据自已的要求选购护坡钢模具。The steel mould is made of iron plate, which is not easy to be damaged and increases its service life. The slope protection steel mould can be selected according to its own requirements.


护坡钢模具是由铁板制成,不容易出现损坏,需要注意的是,护坡钢模具也是需要注意保养的,护坡钢模具虽然不变形,但是却经受不住雨水的冲击。The slope protection steel mould is made of iron plate, which is not easy to be damaged. It should be noted that the slope protection steel mould also needs to be maintained. Although the slope protection steel mould is not deformed, it can not withstand the impact of rain water.

Long time will lead to rust, thus affecting its life and the size of the cement slope steel produced. Therefore, in order to reduce the production cost of slope protection steel mold, slope protection steel mold also needs to strengthen maintenance.